Protocol Labs Research

Zixuan (ZX) Zhang

Research Scientist / CryptoEconLab


MSE in Data Science, 2019

University of Pennsylvania

BSE in Networked and Social Systems Engineering, 2019

University of Pennsylvania

ZX studies the intersection of networks, incentives, and optimization.

Areas of Expertise

Cryptoeconomics, Distributed Systems, Complex Systems


2020-03-19 / Journal article
On modeling blockchain-enabled economic networks as stochastic dynamical systems
Blockchain networks have attracted tremendous attention for creating cryptocurrencies and decentralized economies built on peer-to-peer protocols. However, the complex nature of the dynamics and feedback mechanisms within these economic networks has rendered it difficult to reason about the growth and evolution of these networks.
Applied Network Science / 2020.03.19
Zixuan (ZX) Zhang , Michael Zargham, Victor M. Preciado

Blog posts

2022-01-19 / News, Blog
Open problems in incentive research
CryptoEconLab is the PL hub for research in cryptoeconomics, an emerging interdisciplinary field investigating the dynamics of economic coordination games in cryptographically-secured peer-to-peer networks. CryptoEconLab stands at the intersection of computer science, network science, statistics, economics, psychology, decision neuroscience, and system engineering, and the problems it explores have strong resonances with the field of complex systems theory.
2020-08-27 / Blog
Introducing the Filecoin Economy
Filecoin provides a blockchain-based marketplace that promises to revolutionize the global storage economy. The Filecoin marketplace delivers a totally new and secure way for anyone in the world to buy and sell storage. We’re excited to share an overview of how the storage economy works on the Filecoin Network.